Debbie Bryon
Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist



I have been a veterinary nurse for over 20 years and worked with pets and their people specifically with behaviour issues for almost 10 years. I’m a very open and genuine person and have a true passion for helping animals and people communicate more constructively.

I live in Gloucestershire with my family including Rodney the big-nosed mini bull terrier and Duckie the African Grey Parrot and Frank the slightly crazy cat!

I have been guardian to all sorts of animals from fish to rats to horses all through my life and can honestly say that if you think you’ve made a mess of things and it’s all your fault, I’ll bet I’ve been there! I once (as a child!!) tried to revive one of my pet mice who had been attacked by my cat by putting him into the warm oven. I can tell you know that it didn’t work!

I am a qualified and certificated accredited clinical animal behaviourist, I am an accredited member of the Fellowship of animal behaviour Consultants (FABC) and Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) and listed as a Certified Animal Behaviourist by the Animal Behaviour and Training Council (ABTC.) I’m also a Registered Veterinary Nurse with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)

I only work on referral from your Veterinary Surgeon to ensure I can perform as holistically and thoroughly as possible. This will help me to cover all medical, nutritional, environmental, proprioceptional, and communication issues in great detail for the very best outcome for all.

Cat and behaviourist training a nose touch
House rabbit foraging

What you can expect from me

Honesty without fluff, no judgement, and support and recommendations based within the most up to date scientific methodologies and without ever using fear, coercion or pain. My aim is to teach you how to communicate more effectively with your pet whilst allowing them to make better emotional decisions to exist more harmoniously in the complicated human world. 


What I expect from you

Honesty and full disclosure of all the history you have with your pet, knowledge is power and the more I know the more I can help! Even if you have used a rolled up newspaper or a spray bottle before as long as I know I can help!


What is an animal behaviourist?

In human terms, I’m like a human psychologist/counsellor and I use all of the information you can provide me to build an easy to follow plan to allow you and your pet to live more peacefully by using up to date scientific methods and learning theory.

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Having a great time brushing up on one of my favourite subjects, PAIN! Here is a really simple checklist to check for pain/osteoarthritis/DJD in cats. If you are worried about your cats musculoskeletal health get in touch with your vet as soon as you can. Pain in cats can affect their mental health, appetite, cognition and sensory systems.

Having a great time brushing up on one of my favourite subjects, PAIN! Here is a really simple checklist to check for pain/osteoarthritis/DJD in cats. If you are worried about your cats musculoskeletal health get in touch with your vet as soon as you can. Pain in cats can affect their mental health, appetite, cognition and sensory systems. ... See MoreSee Less

What an incredible experience I had last week. 5 Days training under the expert eyes of Educating Animals and Jim Mackie. Worked and experienced training with 17 different species of animal at the FANTASTIC Paignton Zoo . I was privileged enough to personally train Lemurs, Meerkats, Baboons, Chickens, a Sundra Gharial and one rogue Belgian Shepherd. All without the slightest whiff of any aversives or force. I have learnt so much about myself and my practice as a behaviourist and I feel I can formally call myself an animal trainer. Roll on 2025!

What an incredible experience I had last week. 5 Days training under the expert eyes of Educating Animals and Jim Mackie. Worked and experienced training with 17 different species of animal at the FANTASTIC Paignton Zoo . I was privileged enough to personally train Lemurs, Meerkats, Baboons, Chickens, a Sundra Gharial and one rogue Belgian Shepherd. All without the slightest whiff of any aversives or force. I have learnt so much about myself and my practice as a behaviourist and I feel I can formally call myself an animal trainer. Roll on 2025! ... See MoreSee Less

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Fabulous …we have our very own monkey who needs training 🤣🤣🤣🤣

We're out getting our exercise in early before it gets too hot. Don't forget, you don't HAVE to walk your dog twice a day. Some water play in the garden or freework on the shade is sufficient in this heat. ... See MoreSee Less

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Or an early morning walk and then sleeeeep in our case!

What a cutie 🥰

Saturday silly! #guineapigs

Saturday silly! #guineapigs ... See MoreSee Less

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